Tuition Policy

Redeeming Dance Academy Payment and Tuition Policies

Waiver: Your student will not be allowed into the classroom if we do not have this digitally signed waiver.

Registration fee: The fall/spring registration fee is $55 and must be paid with 1st month’s tuition BEFORE the student’s first 1st class. The student will be unenrolled if this has not been paid before the 1st day of class. 

Tuition Policies: Tuition is due by the 1st of each month. Tuition remains the same whether it’s a long (5-week) or short (3-week) month, regardless of absences, vacations, or holidays. There are no makeup classes for holidays, as they are built into the total tuition cost. Current tuition/programming pricing is available on our website for Fall/Spring and Summer.

Tuition Payment Options: You may set up your account by linking your checking or savings account to auto-draft on the 1st of the month (ACH) or by credit/debit card, which will be auto-charged on the 1st of the month.

Tuition Paid via ACH: Tuition will be auto-drafted via ACH on the 1st of the month in addition to any outstanding fees on the account (families are responsible for tracking this via Jack Rabbit online portal. We will provide no payment arrangements for balances due, or alternate payment dates will be provided. If we cannot process payment, a $25 late fee per week will be assessed immediately.

Tuition Payment by check: Checks are due seven business days before the 1st of the month, or the Client’s credit card will be charged on the 1st. Checks will be posted to the account at the time they are received. Checks may not be postdated. A credit card must be held on file if you choose to pay either by check or a credit/debit card, and a 3% third-party-processor fee will be added to your payment total for credit card payments. A $35 non-sufficient funds fee will be added to the account if the bank returns a check, and your credit card on file will be charged the total amount, including the NSF fee and third-party processor fee. If we cannot process a resultant credit/debit card payment, a $25 late fee per week will be assessed.

Refunds, adjustments, and noncollectable payments: Tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable. Account balances (tuition or fees) will be sent to collections, at the Client’s expense, if over 30 days past due, and the student will be unenrolled from all RD classes. Upon re-enrollment, the Client must pay a $50 re-enrollment fee. There are no refunds or adjustments due to absences or if the proper opt-out/ withdraw channel was not followed.

Payment Arrangements: All clients should know that their account is set to auto-pay monthly on the 1st of the month. Additionally, the Client permits RD to charge using the payment information on file to pay for any outstanding balance on the account should additional charges be incurred between the 1st and the end of the month. There will be no payment arrangements for balances due or alternate payment dates provided. The Client assumes responsibility for any balance on the account and any late fees associated with an outstanding balance.

Past due Payments: Statements will not be mailed out. It is the Client’s responsibility to be aware of any and all uncharged items and fees to the account, which can be found on the online portal. We will attempt to auto-process these as we see fit, but late fees will be added per week (see above). The client assumes responsibility for awareness of any balance on the account and any late fees. Account balances will be sent to collections, at the Client’s expense, if over 30 days past due, and the student will be unenrolled from all RD classes. Upon enrollment, the Client must pay a $50 re-enrollment fee.

Accounts set to no autopay: “NO” auto pays: if, for any reason, your account is set to no autopay, all the policies above are still in effect (with the exception that fees will not be auto charged), and penalty fees will still be added to the account. RD will not manually process any accounts set to NO autopay, so please periodically check your account and ensure that fees are drafted to ensure there are no outstanding charges. RD is not responsible for fees; tuition is left uncharged due to “no” autopay settings. 

Penalty Fees: A $35 charge will be assessed on all checks or ACH (checking account auto-draft) returned by the bank in addition to a $25 late fee. A $25 late fee will be added to the account EACH WEEK until the delinquent balance is collected, with no exceptions.

Makeups:  Makeup classes are encouraged and should be taken within 30 days of the absence.

Class transition windows: At RD, we build in 5 minutes of transition time between classes. For example, if you have an hour class, the last 5 min will be a transition period for the students to get to their next class and for it to start on time. 

*During times of COVID-19, certain timing and policies may alter and will be communicated via email.

Performance Fees:


Winter/Spring Performance fees: These shows are TBD; information will be provided concerning charges before they are auto-drafted from the account. Students and families will be given a choice to opt-in for these performances. 

Performance/Rehearsal/Costume: TBD. Fees are auto-drafted.

*During COVID-19, some aspects of the show may be altered and communicated via email. This could include streaming, dancer-only, or other necessary arrangements to meet current mandates.

All costume and performance fees for any production are NON-REFUNDABLE

Withdrawal Policy:


Dropping a class or withdrawing in the fall/spring semester:  In order to terminate enrollment or drop a class, you must email at least 7 days prior to the 1st of the month in which you wish to withdraw: Monthly billing will continue until RD receives notice via email. No exceptions will be made to this withdrawal policy.

SUMMER CLASS TUITION AND REFUND POLICY: Summer classes do not require a registration fee; however, half of the summer tuition payment must be paid the day enrollment occurs, and the remaining balance is due the 1st day of class (If registering after, then payments due in full) to be officially registered unless alternate arrangements have been authorized through RD management. 

SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION FEES AND REFUND POLICY: Summer camp, workshop, and intensive registration fees are due in total at the time of registration. If cancellation is made with 14 days or more notice of the camp, a credit may be transferred to an alternate summer camp – *full-day and half-day summer camps only). Summer program registration fees are non-refundable.